1. ホーム
  2. -
  3. リ・モンスター


Reincarnated: Monster, Перерождение: Монстр, リ・モンスター, Re:Monster


前世で不運な死を遂げ、目覚めると最弱ゴブリンに転生していたゴブ朗。しかし、喰えば喰うほど強くなる【吸喰能力】で異常な進化を遂げ、あっという間にゴブリン・コミュニティのトップに君臨! 弱肉強食の異世界で、有能な部下や仲間達とともに繰り広げられる、痛快下剋上サバイバルファンタジーが待望のコミカライズ!! After his unfortunate death, Tomokui Kanata has been reincarnated as a member of the weakest race, a goblin named Rou. However, Rou has retained his previous life’s memories, as well as an ability that allows him to gain strength and abilities from eating. He also possesses a unique evolutionary tree. Now, Rou has made a promise to himself that he would live this life to the fullest. In this alternate world of survival of the fittest, events unfold with competent subordinates and comrades.
