1. ホーム
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  3. 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」


Otherwordly Izakaya "Nobu", Parallel Universe Bar "Nobu", Quán Rượu Dị Giới “Nobu”, Warung Dunia Lain "Nobu", 异世界居酒屋外传「NOBU」, 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」, 이 세계 선술집 '노부', Isekai Izakaya – Nobu, Isekai Izakaya


話題の異世界グルメ小説をコミック化!異世界に繋がる噂の酒場「居酒屋 のぶ」。タイショーが作るエキゾチックな料理と極上の酒「トリアエズナマ」を求め、今日も店には異世界の住人が訪れる──。ヤングエース好評連載中。 Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called “Nobu” is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. AT the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called “toriaezu Nama”!
